Duns Scotus, contingency, Luis de MolinaAbstract
The contemporary studies on the figure of John Duns Scotus have had a great impulse from the interest that has been put in the argumentation on the freedom of the will. In his comments to the Sentences, Scotus maintains that the will is free in the same and for the same moment in which it acts, justifying this with the development of logical-ontological tools.
William of Ockham makes a strong criticism of this doctrine. For his part, he prefers to understand freedom as the power of the will to sustain or restrain his act at a later time.
In the scholastic renaissance, the Jesuit Luis de Molina discusses the issue of the freedom of the will and precisely if it is free at the moment it acts. After rejecting Ockham's proposal, he explicitly leans towards the Scotus’ solution. The objective that we propose in this study is to determine the fidelity with which Molina assumes the ideas of the Subtle Doctor, up to where he follows them and where he abandons them, inquiring a possible explanation of why he does not assume them until its last consequences.
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