The causality of the will in the wisdom


  • Gonzalo Huarte Pontificia Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino



The present work aims to study the cooperative relationship of will and intelligence in the knowledge of wisdom according to the vision of Thomas Aquinas. A special emphasis is placed on the contribution of the will, particularly of charity, in this type of knowledge that, as the Aquinas says, resides in intelligence, but its cause lies in charity.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Huarte, Pontificia Universidad Santo Tomás de Aquino

Realizó sus estudios de profesorado y licenciatura en filosofía en la UCA de Bs. As, con una tesis sobre la filosofía de la religión en Max Scheler. Actualmente se forma para ser sacerdote en el seminario San José de La Plata.


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How to Cite

Huarte, G. (2019). The causality of the will in the wisdom. Dios Y El Hombre, 3(1), 034.



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