What does "being prudent" mean for Immanuel Kant?


  • Ariel Ferrari Mogliani Seminario Mayor San José de La Plata, Argentina




prudence, Kant, Saint Thomas, promptness, false prudence, discernment, duty, egoism, virtue


This is a work done in my third year of Philosophy studies in the subject that studies thinkers from the 16th to the 19th century approximately. We (si sos vos solo el que hizo el trabajo cambia “we” por “I”) will address the concept of prudence understood by Kant based on only one of his most famous works: "Critique of Practical Reason". The conception that we will deduce from this work will be contrasted with the conception of Aristotle and Saint Thomas. We also bring up the definition of the R.A.E. on prudence to get an idea of how this term is understood at the same time. It is interesting to note how, at present, prudence seems to be understood more in the sense that Kant gives to it, rather than that given by Aristotle and the Aquinate. That is, as an idea of a man who acts in silence and takes advantage at the expense of others without anyone being able to discover and judge him, but with this article, we will try to purify that term so that again, the term "prudence" returns to be mainly understood as virtue. In the end, I will give an opinion of my own, of how Kant understood this term, trying to be based on those two realistic philosophers.



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• SANTO TOMÁS DE AQUINO, “Suma Teológica II-II, q. 47, a.4, C”, B.A.C., Madrid, España, 1964
• ARISTÓTELES, "Ética a Nicómaco", Gredos, España,2014

• BLANQUEZ FRAILE, A., “Diccionario manual Latín-Español y Español-Latín”, Editorial Ramón Sopena, Barcelona, España, 1974
• REAL ACADEMIA ESPAÑOLA, “Diccionario de la Lengua Española”, Editorial Espasa Calpe, Madrid, España, 2001
• VÁZQUEZ, STELLA MARIS, “Objetivos Educacionales”, CIAFIC ediciones, Buenos Aires, 1981



How to Cite

Ferrari Mogliani, A. (2019). What does "being prudent" mean for Immanuel Kant?. Dios Y El Hombre, 3(2), 045. https://doi.org/10.24215/26182858e045



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