Mother Candida Mary of Jesus and the Christian Education in the XXI Century


  • María Clara Iaconis Investigadora independiente, Argentina



Mother Candida Mery of Jesus, Daughters of Jesus, Personalized education, Charisma universality


In this paper we try to confirm and prove the validity of Madre Cándida´s charism and foundation principles through the years up to the XXI century in Argentina.

We concluded that Madre Candida had a prophetic vision about education. Although she was poor and nearly illiterate, she accepted the difficult divine mission of a christian teaching to all persons to save their souls. The focus was centered in the person as an individual but integrating all its dimensions.

Nowadays the Daughters of Jesus are still carrying on this pedagogy addapting it to the continuous changing of times and following Madre Candida´s visionary principles.


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How to Cite

Iaconis, M. C. (2019). Mother Candida Mary of Jesus and the Christian Education in the XXI Century. Dios Y El Hombre, 3(2), 043.



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