Requirement for the development of a system for obtaining pension documentation for the personnel of the National University of La Plata


  • Liliana Volpi Universidad Nacional de La Plata



retirement, social security certification, certificate of services and remuneration, retirement system, social security certification system, social security system


The preparation of this Intervention Project aims to optimize the process of issuing the social security certifications of services and remunerations in search of efficiency in the work; the inexpensiveness of procedures, the modernization of production methods, paperwork, the reduction of human error, transparency, speed in production, and the improvement of communications with external organizations that interact in each proposed topic. Enrolling in the field of Administration and Finance of University Management Policies and Strategies, it will cover dimensions that restructure current processes carried out by the Directorate of Social Security Certifications of the General Directorate of Personnel (DCP) in an artisanal way in systematized processes through obtaining a computer tool not yet developed. Requiring this system is the beginning of an administrative process that will involve the re-elaboration of regulations that authorize the development of the system by the Higher Center for Information Processing of the National University of La Plata (CeSPI) and those that order its implementation. , as well as the concretion of agreements or acts of agreement with external organizations for the transmission of information. New communication mechanisms and / or circuits should be enabled through the development of procedural guides that will be made available to the different actors that are involved in the proposal, as well as the organization of communication workshops with the operators of the services of the Faculties and Dependencies that must assume the roles of advisers or executors of the new emerging work modalities.


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Author Biography

Liliana Volpi, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Directora General de Personal -UNLP


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How to Cite

Volpi, L. (2021). Requirement for the development of a system for obtaining pension documentation for the personnel of the National University of La Plata. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e043.



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