Communication Strategy in Institutional Management of the Social Council of the National University of La Plata (UNLP)


  • Verónica Veira Universidad Nacional de La Plata



communication, management, strategy, participation, university


This summary of the final integrative work (TFI), within the framework of the Specialization in Higher Education Management (EGES), initially contemplates an analysis and study around the history, scope and perspectives of the Social Council (CS) of the National University of La Plata. The objective is to propose a process management model and internal and external communication tools, based on my role as Director of Institutional Management of the Social Council of the UNLP, ensuring the functioning of the Plenary and the Working Committees of the SC; managing the spaces and resources of the SC, based on the monitoring of the work and the agenda of the different spaces of the SC. Likewise, assisting the General Directorate of the SC in its functions, and coordinating with the management processes of the rest of the SC Directorates. Being the CS one of the first experiences where the University coexists and integrates a large part of the social actors. It is presented as an articulating instance, a look in which to approach the practices from an interdisciplinary perspective, and in that sense, to deepen the understanding of the reality that is integrated into the practices and is allowed to pass through the senses that are generated there. Immersed in the daily dynamics where the different spaces make up communication networks that are instituted as socio institutional practices.


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Author Biography

Verónica Veira, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Asistente en la Prosecretaria de Extensión -UNLP


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How to Cite

Veira, V. (2021). Communication Strategy in Institutional Management of the Social Council of the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e042.



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