Regional Impact of Technicians trained in the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata


  • Federico De Landaburu Universidad Nacional de La Plata



impact, laboratory technicians, health


This Technique is developed in Berisso, (Center for Teaching and Health Care), located at Calle 161 and 12 of that town.

From the beginning, the operation of classrooms, common spaces, laboratories for the preparation of the different jobs inherent to the daily practice of students, future laboratory workers, was resolved, allowing to attend to the vacancy from the training of human resources that the community demands.

The training of health auxiliaries constitutes an extremely complex educational problem, in which the need to overcome a strictly technical approach, locked in variables of an economic-labor nature, is evaluated to advance towards a comprehensive training in which science and Technology is inserted in an educational project that promotes work methods in collaborative teams of professionals, who, from different training and intervention profiles, develop prevention, diagnosis and treatment activities with the purpose of contributing to the improvement of the health of the population.

The University Technician in Dental Laboratory Prosthesis supposes a training trajectory that articulates theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge.


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Author Biography

Federico De Landaburu, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Director de la Tecnicatura de Prótesis Fija FO - UNLP 


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How to Cite

De Landaburu, F. (2021). Regional Impact of Technicians trained in the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e012.



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