Disability / accessibility policies at UNLP


  • Sandra Lea Katz Universidad Nacional de La Plata




higher education, disability, accessibility, human rights


The UNLP presents itself as a public, scientific, extensionist, autonomous, co-governed, inclusive, popular and feminist institution. In this writing we take all these attributes and we rely on the principle of inclusivity to add the necessary quality of accessibility. We intend to share what has been traveled and built, since, from the Inclusion, Disability and Human Rights Directorate together with the University Commission on Disability (CUD) for 20 years, different strategies, policies and practices have been developed that give meaning to the possibility that any student with disabilities can be part of the university community.

At present, belonging to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Human Rights has the possibility and historical opportunity of being able to institutionalize the necessary and pertinent policies to install the necessary requirements and guidelines where accessibility is an institutional policy and does not depend on the will. of some.

The proposed proposals are in sync with statements, documents and intentions both at the national level through the Interuniversity Disability Network belonging to the National Interuniversity Council (RID - CIN), and at the Latin American level by being an active part and management of the Latin American Interuniversity Network. and the Caribbean on Disability and Human Rights, linked to IESALC UNESCO.


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Author Biography

Sandra Lea Katz, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

 Directora de Inclusión y Discapacidad - Pro Secretaría de DDHH - UNLP 


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How to Cite

Katz, S. L. (2021). Disability / accessibility policies at UNLP. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e021. https://doi.org/10.24215/27186539e021



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