About the Journal

Focus and Scope
Submission and Peer Review
Open Access Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Indexed in

Authors submitting an article for evaluation
Copyright Notice
Privacy Statement
Sections' Policies

Code of Ethics


Focus and Scope

Económica is a general interest academic journal, founded in 1953 and edited annually (december) by the Facultad de Ciencias Económicas at Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Following a double-blind evaluation process with external referees, Económica publishes articles of academic excellence in all fields of Economics.

The mission of Económica is to disseminate, among the academic community, research papers of acamedics related to the study of economics and related disciplines.

Submission and Peer Review

Manuscripts may be returned to authors for review if they do not gather all submission requirements detailed on this “Guideline for Authors”. In turn, prior to assigning an evaluator, the executive committee of the journal will determine if the article is suitable to begin the evaluation process. (A previous reading is made, collecting basic aspects about the article). In response to this, the article can take its course or be rejected before being reviewed by an external evaluator. 

The designated Arbitrators may be people with appropriate experience in the subject, not related to the publishing institution. A minimum of 2 evaluators are assigned to each paper. The evaluation process will be anonymous for authors and editors, and it will also be supported by the evaluation guide of the journal.

The possible results of the review are: 1) Publishable 2) Review Required 3) Not Publishable.

When the paper requires a new revision (Review Required) authors are asked to modify their manuscript according to comments/suggestions from the assigned referee. Therefore, authors must submit a new version for consideration. The evaluators are responsible for the final decision.

After final checking, acceptance is confirmed and authors will be informed in which number the paper will be published. The responsible publishers will be responsible for the syntax process and formal aspects. 

Open Access Policy

This journal has immediate free access to its content under the principle that to make available for free investigations to the public this supports a larger exchange of global knowledge .

Material published in the journal is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license. This license requires others to give proper credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes have been made; it does not permit commercial use of the work; and if the work is remixed, transformed, or otherwise modified, that modification may not be distributed.

Additionally, our institution promotes and supports the open access movement into the academic scientific literature, therefore its editions has no charges for the author and neither for the reader, also incentives authors to contribute in other institutional and thematic repositories, knowing that the culture and the knowledge are common goods.

Plagiarism Policy

The journal uses a plagiarism detection software (iThenticate). Authors found to have plagiarized the work of others or their own will not be able to publish the submitted work and other publications in Economica during a period of time to be established by the Journal’s direction.

Indexed in:

NB (Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas Argentinas); LATINDEX (Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal); ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences); DIALNET (Servicio de alertas sobre publicaciones de contenido científico); AMELICA (infraestructura de comunicación para la publicación académica y la ciencia abierta) ; LATIN Rev (red Latinoamérica de revistas académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades);Journal of Economic Literature y EconLit; Base de datos bibliográfica de revistas de ciencias sociales y humanidades (CLASE); Research Papers in Economics (RePEc); Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities; MIAR (Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas); ROAD (Directorio de Recursos Científicos y Universitarios en acceso abierto); MALENA Políticas de jerarquización, acceso y archivo de las publicaciones científicas argentinas (Argentina).

La Revista ECONÓMICA está adherida a la Declaración de San Francisco de Evaluación de la Investigación DORA.

Preservation policies

Published materials in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the UNLP repository. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are performed through the repository. SEDICI's preservation policies can be consulted at the following link: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/pages/politicas#preservacion