Medical Tourism: Systematized literature review and evidence


  • Ana Celeste Ciupik Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Maria Florencia Hutter Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Natalia Porto Universidad Nacional de La Plata



medical tourism, systematized literature review, impact, evidence, Latin America and the Caribbean


This research work carries out a systematized literature review on medical tourism in order to know its main characteristics and contribute to the quantitative evidence in the international arena. The term medical tourism lacks an agreed definition and volume and impact issues are discussed in the literature mainly in a narrative and theoretical way. An analysis of the methodologies applied in the literature is conducted and Loh (2013) is taken as a basis to analyze medical tourism world trends using health-related personal travel series from the International Monetary Fund for 2008-2017 and incorporating fixed effects and control variables to the linear regression model. There is no conclusive evidence of a growing trend in medical tourism imports and exports. Higher-income countries are the ones that trade these activities the most. Almost all regions exceed Latin America and the Caribbean´s medical tourism volumes.


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How to Cite

Ciupik, A. C., Hutter, M. F., & Porto, N. (2023). Medical Tourism: Systematized literature review and evidence. Económica, 69, 033.




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