Un modelo multisectorial computable para la economía argentina: aspectos analíticos


  • Adolfo Carmen Sturzenegger


This paper outlines the analytical design of a "general equilibrium" multisectoral model. It intends to compute under comparative static conditions for an economy like Argentina some effects of exogenous changes in economic policy variables such as changes on effective exchange rates (or protection levels) of trade sectors as agricultural, non-traditional exports or import competitive sectors. Also to compute effects of changes in international prices of such sectors. Among the main endogenous variables are the sectoral levels of production, and of exports or imports (this for the trade sectors), relative prices, equilibrium exchange rate (or alternatively, the balance of payments deficit), etc. The basic form of the designed model is non linear. This allows to use different functional forms (under the conditions that theirs logarithmic differentiations would be linear), for example, fixed coefficients production functions, or Cobb-Douglas type, or even CES type. Restricting the use of the model to comparative statics computations and to linear approximations to the solutions, once the basic data and parameters are obtained, it appears that the remaining computational tasks are very simple allowing to use different parametrizations, or to make extended sensitivity analysis.


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How to Cite

Sturzenegger, . A. C. (1976). Un modelo multisectorial computable para la economía argentina: aspectos analíticos. Económica, 22(1), p. 66–89. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Economica/article/view/8752


