Un modelo estocástico de distribución de ingresos


  • Oscar J. Sbarra Mitre


An inherent characteristic of a development process is its objective, either implicit or stated, to improve the distribution of income, from both the functional as well as the personal point of view. The concept of "improvement" is normally taken to mean a tendency to equalize the rents received by the members of a community, or, in other words, the propensity to achieve a biunivocal correspondence between identical percentages of population and national income. This idea has influenced the theory as well as the goals of the majority of econometric models of personal income distribution which, almost invariably, have proposed statistical measurements which can be compared at different periods of time and places, on the basis of the so-called concentration coefficients, which are supposed to determine the degree of inequality (equality) in the distribution of the universe to be analyzed. Nevertheless, the existence of congenital individual differences (capacity, ability, intelligence, etc.) and the proper sense of distribution justice, leads us to consider as equitable, not the mere equality in the quantitative sphere, which can be even artificial, but the leveling of opportunities for everybody. With respect to the above, the econometric models have arrived at conclusions by chance an only as secondary contributions. If we recognize that the "preservation of inequality" based on the simultaneous increase in equal proportions, of the different strata of income –that is, the equalizing of probabilities of transition to superior levels of income, implies a positive evolution of collective wellbeing, then we must agree on the need to structure the theoretical model in such a way as to allow the proof of this progress through a development process. This, then, is the objective of this work.


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How to Cite

Sbarra Mitre, . O. J. (1971). Un modelo estocástico de distribución de ingresos. Económica, 17(1), p. 99–118. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Economica/article/view/8937


