About the Journal

Epistemus is a biannual publication journal on musical knowledge in general, of free and open access, both for authors and readers, with an emphasis on the study of musical experience. It intends to discuss topics from a multidisciplinary and international perspective. Particular attention is given to cognitive and culturalist approaches, without dismissing a priori any paradigm or epistemological perspective that has wide recognition in the academic community. In this sense, Epistemus is defined as pluralistic and open to different musical perspectives and disciplines, as well as to other related disciplines. It includes both empirical and theoretical research, books and scientific events reviews, interviews, pedagogical experiences and translations about musical experience under its multiple modalities of performance, listening, composition, analysis, teaching, and interpretation, among others. Epistemus also seeks to fill a gap that the specialty has in the Spanish-speaking world, and to spread the wide spectrum of disciplines that form the field of Cognitive Sciences of Music. It has a prestigious international editorial committee with renowned experts from various specialties. The journal is aimed at an audience made up of researchers, teachers and practitioners of the performing arts, psychology and other sociocultural disciplines (e.g.: Anthropology, Sociology, History, and Communication), artists and students from different careers linked to the central themes of the journal.

e-ISSN: 1853-0494.

PERIODICITY: Biannual (two numbers per year). The first issue of each year covers the months January-June, and is published in July. The second issue of each year covers the months July-December, and is published in December.

LANGUAGES: Spanish and Portuguese.

INDEXATION AND INFORMATION SERVICES: Epistemus is currently indexed in EBSCO HostERIH PlusLATINDEX Catálogo, REDIB, Google Scholar and SEDICI (UNLP). All articles, numbers and volumes have an individual Digital Object Identifier (DOI) provided by CROSSREF. We are working to include the publication in REDALYC, SCIELO, and DOAJ as soon as possible.

DISCIPLINES: Arts (Music), Psychology, Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities.

KEYWORDS: Art & Performance, Cognitive Studies, Musical Cognition, Musical Epistemology, Musical and Artistic Education, Sociocultural Approaches.

PUBLISHING ENTITY: Epistemus is a project of SACCoM - Sociedad Argentina para las Ciencias Cognitivas de la Música, in collaboration with Laboratorio para el Estudio de la Experiencia Musical (LEEM-FBA-UNLP). It counts with the institutional support of different universities from the Spanish speaking area. 


Section policies


Original articles on editorial orientation, and articles on the content of the journal and the controversies associated with it. 

Research papers

Research related to the field of musical experience according to the approach and scope of the journal, both theoretical and empirical, without restrictions in methodological approaches. 

Monographic section

Compendium of articles on a specific topic related to the scope of the journal.

Pedagogical experiencies stories

Stories about pedagogical-musical experiences that allow readers to rethink educational or musical problems. These may be experiences that have taken place in an institutionalized/formal or informal educational setting (e.g., private tutoring). The written format of this type of contribution is flexible, so it does not require the incorporation of bibliographic references nor follow standardized scientific formats.


Writings originally published in another language that, due to their impact and interest, are translated translated with the permission of publishers and authors.


Interviews with researchers and artists related to the scope of the journal.

Book reviews / Scientific events reviews

Book and scientific events reviews related to the scope of the journal.


Peer-review process

The journal features a double-blind peer review system to ensure the quality of research articles and interviews. The stories of pedagogical experiences and reviews are evaluated by the associated editors. 

When sending a manuscript corresponding to an article or an interview, it is received, in the first instance, by the editorial secretary and the editorial assistant of the publication, who verify the fulfillment of its formal aspects. After this instance, the manuscript goes through a preliminary evaluation instance by the associate editors. If the manuscript is evaluated positively, the editors will send it to at least two members of the permanent scientific committee and/or external specialists (peer-reviewers) called for the purpose of evaluating the content of the manuscript. A minimum of 66% of the evaluators are external to the publishing entity. This evaluation is performed through a strict double-blind referral system that yields one of the following four results:

(i) accept the article;

(ii) accept the article after minor changes are made (the manuscript does not go through the evaluation procedure again, the editors determine if the new manuscript is acceptable);

(iii) return the article for an in-depth major revision (the manuscript goes through the evaluation procedure again);

(iv) reject the manuscript.

At the end of the evaluation, the editors will be responsible for generating a single verdict on the manuscript highlighting the contributions of each reviewer. Authors will receive comments made by the reviewers through an e-mail in which they will also be informed about the decision regarding their manuscript. If authors must make modifications, they must be made within a maximum period of two months from the receipt of the mail that informs about such situation. The non-response within the stipulated period will have the following effects, according to the result of the evaluation:

-If the manuscript is ACCEPTED and no response to the informational e-mail was received, the manuscript will be published.

-If the manuscript is in need of a MINOR REVISION and no response to the informational e-mail was received, the manuscript will be rejected for publication.

-If the manuscript is in need of a MAJOR REVISION and no response to the informational e-mail was received, the manuscript will be rejected for publication. 

-If the manuscript is REJECTED and no response to the informational e-mail was received, the manuscript will be rejected for publication. 


Plagiarism detection

Epistemus analyzes each manuscript with the aim of avoiding plagiarism, as established by the national and international editorial regulations. For the detection of plagiarism, the editorial board uses the computer tools provided by Google. In case of detection of plagiarism, Epistemus follows the guidelines provided by COPE [available in: https://publicationethics.org/files/All_Flowcharts_Spanish_0.pdf].


Open access policy / Publisher copyright policies

This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle that providing open access to research helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. All material published in the journal is under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works license (CC BY-NC-ND) [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0]. In this way, anyone can share the published material as long as he/she: (i) includes the citation of the published version, (ii) acknowledges the license under which the material was published, (iii) does not use the material for commercial purposes. Authors of works published in Epistemus retain their copyright.


Adoption of codes of ethics

This journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors, COPE [available in: https://publicationethics.org/resources/code-conduct].


Self-archiving policy

This journal allows the self-archiving of the contributions in their final version (post-print), immediately after the on-line publication, both in personal websites of authors (such as ResearchGate, Academia.edu, ActaAcadémica, etc.), and in institutional and telematic repositories (such as university repositories). Epistemus does not allow the self-archiving of contributions in their pre-print version.


Preservation policy

Manuscripts published in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the repository of the National University of La Plata (UNLP). Los materiales publicados en esta revista son depositados en SEDICI, el repositorio de la UNLP. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adaptations, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are done through the repository. The preservation policies of SEDICI can be consulted at the following link: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/pages/politicas#preservacion.