The purity of talent

Musical, commercial and politics characterization fo The Voice franchise in Latin America




talent show, homogeneity, music, intelectual property


This paper proposes to seek the musical, economic and political characteristics of the talent show The Voice in Latin America between 2011 and 2019 in order to evaluate the vocal homogeneity degree that the format promotes internationally. It also considers the musical fieldʼ operative concepts reformulation occurred in live televised music shows and the transnational promotion of vocal techniques from American pop in different genres. We study the economic and political dimensions of the sound homogeneity expansion in the talent show performances and its impact on the reproduction of international models on a local scale, from the commercialisation of the international format television linked to the multinational record company and the mass media. This operation is analysed in the context of the international relations over intellectual property and the Anglo-American core in Latin America. The methodology combines the analytical review of the talent show editions, also the focal interview is used to consider oral history method and to the discursive analyses. The discussion considers the cultural dependencies that over ten years of the franchise has in the region by the performatic musical evaluations that participants have. The sound modernisation that the talent show offers is weighed against the commodification forms of the multinational recording industry.


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How to Cite

Cannova, M. P. (2020). The purity of talent: Musical, commercial and politics characterization fo The Voice franchise in Latin America. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 8(2), 019.



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