José Vicente Asuar and the COMDASUAR

A case of cognitively extended music composition




extended cognition, music production systems, acousmatic music, music cognition, José Vicente Asuar


In this article we propose that musical composition in the concrete-acousmatic music production system -or third music production system-, can be considered a cognitively extended musical practice. This affirmation is supported from the fact that in this system, composer and production device are assembled, configuring a functional coupled system. To demonstrate the way in which this coupling can operate, we study the paradigmatic case of the Chilean composer José Vicente Asuar in relation to his experience with the computational production device created by himself, the COMDASUAR. This study was carried out through the analysis of the first person experience of the composer with the COMDASUAR device in composition practice.


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How to Cite

Fuentes, C., & Schumacher, F. (2021). José Vicente Asuar and the COMDASUAR: A case of cognitively extended music composition. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 9(2), 033.



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