Aesthetics in Stravinski: Italian Suite




aesthetics, Stravinsky, 20th century, musical phenomenon, Dushkin


 Stravinsky stands as one of the most important figures in music of the 20th century and he is one of the composers who has given more importance to aesthetics and philosophical thinking in the field of music. We wanted to take a look into his whole aesthetic thinking, comparing all the sources given by the composer himself. Our aim is to give a more detailed explanation to some questions related to the nature of the musical phenomenon that are included in his books, as well as other different aspects the composer deals with in relation to the figure of the performer or the composer-conductor of his own compositions.  We have taken this investigation to a more practical level through an analysis mainly of resources and materials, as well as the differences in the Pulcinella ballet and the Italian Suite scores.


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How to Cite

Luis Moreno, B. (2021). Aesthetics in Stravinski: Italian Suite. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 9(2), 034.



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