Discursivity, significant configurations and musical cognition

Explorations in the field of interpretive praxis





music cognition, interpretive praxis, significant configurations, meaning processes, musical semiotics


In this work different aspects of the processes of musical signification are discussed, paying attention to the meaning configurations that are involved in the deployment of embodied musical cognition in the field of interpretive praxis. To this end, after presenting a general problematization of this domain, the results of an exploration of the ways in which advanced students of academic music performance (at the undergraduate and graduate levels) conceive and relate their own performative processes and interpretive study are provided. In this direction, the focus of the study was placed on the ways in which the selected actors think, organize and experientially transit their link with musical discourses, as well as the way in which they are inscribed as performers in the discursive plot of the works to be performed. In this sense, aspects related to the operations carried out in the instance of production and interpretive study were investigated, the way in which they access various significant configurations related to the reference works, as well as the ways in which they establish and conceive their relationship with musical discursivity, its narrative deployment and its expressive dimension.


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How to Cite

Buján, F. (2023). Discursivity, significant configurations and musical cognition: Explorations in the field of interpretive praxis. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 11(2), 056. https://doi.org/10.24215/18530494e056



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