Costa Rica’s SINEM: A perspective from postcolonial institutional ethnography


  • Guillermo Rosabal-Coto Universidad de Costa Rica



postcolonialism, neocolonialism, postcolonial institutional ethnography, musical education in Costa Rica, SINEM


In this article I suggest that SINEM — the Costa Rican version of Venezuela’s El Sistema — articulates a development discourse which legitimates neoliberal policies that govern the twenty-first-century international market, in which Costa Rica figures only as a subaltern. I contend that such articulation contributes to perpetuating notions and practices that are based in the colonial period and have sustained the imagination of Costa Rican national identity since the nineteenth century. To this end, I undertake a theoretical analysis through postcolonial institutional ethnography.


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How to Cite

Rosabal-Coto, G. (2016). Costa Rica’s SINEM: A perspective from postcolonial institutional ethnography. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 4(2), 84–112.



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