Thoughts about music semantics

Saint Matthew Passion




musical semnatics, emotions, rethorics, Saint Matthew Passion, J.S.Bach


The purpose of this work is to expose in a simple way the double capacity of music both to mimic linguistic elements and to communicate emotions transcending the scope of the word. We will take as reference the J.S. Bach’s St Matthew Passion, since the composer performs here a meticulous work of exegesis, where all the words are weighed to be highlighted according to their textual importance. Its aim is to magnify the evangelical message, giving it an added emotional dimension, only achievable thanks to the intrinsic properties of music. In order to better understand the scope of this task, we must first analyse the expressive potential of music to interpret ideas, describe events and/or spread emotions.


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How to Cite

Solores, I. (2020). Thoughts about music semantics: Saint Matthew Passion. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 8(2), 020.



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