Versions of the masochistic montage


  • Adriana Testa



This article is centered on a hypothesis of Jacques Lacan [1970] which postulates as one of the keys of the contemporary scenario “the sadomasochistic mania that characterizes our […] sexual environment”. The current practices such as tattooing, piercing, cutting, dieting, anorexic fasts, monastic self-fl agellations, including generalized SM practices such as bondage and others, put in evidence this mania and in particular the economy of masochism. For that reason, beyond their extended forms, they concern structural eff ects, which are not limited to the imperatives of the time but externalize the statute of the body as the place of the Other where the marks of enjoyment are inscribed.

Keywords: Masochism - Perverse practices - The body as place of the Other - Name Of the father- Père-version


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Lacan, Jacques: El Seminario, Libro 16, De un Otro al otro, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2008

Lacan, Jacques: El Seminario, Libro 17, El reverso del psicoanálisis, Paidós, Buenos Aires, 1992

Lacan, Jacques: “La lógica del fantasma. Reseña del Seminario de 1966- 1967”, Otros escritos, Paidós, Bs Aires, 2012

Lacan, Jacques: “Los complejos familiares en la formación del individuo”, Otros escritos. Paidós, Buenos Aires, 2012

Laurent, Eric: El reverso de la biopolítica, Grama, Buenos Aires, 2016

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How to Cite

Testa, A. (2017). Versions of the masochistic montage. Estrategias. Psicoanálisis Y Salud Mental, (5), 007.