Servantas of the radicality


  • Pilar Ordoñez



The text diff erentiates two faces of the Superyó, one related with the Ideal and the other substracts itself from any social content and is reduced to a voice of command. Th e text also places the classic figures of authority and its attachment to power, in order to stand out the political effi ciency and novelty of psychoanalytic speech. An authority which holds itself on a diff erent version of power, ones that reconfi gures bonds with Superyó and disaggregates servitude from the radical command.

Keywords: Superyó - Authority - Imperative - Servitude


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How to Cite

Ordoñez, P. (2017). Servantas of the radicality. Estrategias. Psicoanálisis Y Salud Mental, (5), 008.