Gotta be you, only you
Nowadays, there has been a change related to ideals, where parents are not longer a model wich one identify but that other fi gures, like peers, including wich one become stronger horizontal identifi catios, occupy its place. Th e Other familiar does not off er any guarantee. The fame, beauty, success, even the dissappointment that stand as ideals to follow generating between fans not always benefi cial eff ects. In this essay, we are going to study a rock´s band and the diff erents phenomenon that have generated around them. Its fans are girls that just go out of the puberty. Th e framework of psychoanalysis will serve as a reference to be able to think these issues without falling into an ethical relativismo or a banal psychologization.
Keywords: Young – Ideals - Fhenomena of mass - Psychoanalysis
Freud, S.: “Introducción al narcisismo” en Obras completas, Tomo XIV, Amorrortu editores, Buenos Aires, 1986, pág. 65.
Freud, S.:”Psicología de las masas y análisis del yo”, en Obras completas, Tomo XVIII, Amorrortu editores, 1986, Pág.63.