Ego Ideal's Pathologies: Clinical varities of so-called "Perceptual distortion"


  • Luis Volta



This work is aimed at inquire Ego Ideal’s function conditioning the so-called perceptual distortion. This clinical phenomenon, so important in anorexy, obesity, bigorexia, and dysmorphia descriptions should be clarifi ed in diff erential diagnosis. Only by clearing it’s insertion and function in subject’s structure we will be able to design adequate therapeutic strategies in the psychoanalysis-mental health interface.

Key Words: Ego Ideal - Perceptual distortion - Differential diagnosis - Dysmorphia


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How to Cite

Volta, L. (2017). Ego Ideal’s Pathologies: Clinical varities of so-called "Perceptual distortion". Estrategias. Psicoanálisis Y Salud Mental, (5), 012.