About the Journal

(Descontinuada) La revista fue editada por el Instituto de Estudios de Estudios de Trabajo Social y Sociedad, dependiente de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la UNLP, de 2009 a 2017.

Who we make this magazine we propose to contribute to production and teaching from the Chair of Social History Argentina and Latin American Faculty. In fact, it is the point of arrival of a process; and, by right, a membership that we highlight. We assume it as members of a contradictory construction, that of an educational, scientific and massive practice, carried out by teachers, researchers, students, non-teachers and graduates. Construction of a university reformist institution, claimed for alignment with popular sectors and Latin American autonomy. Its periodicity is annual. Peer evaluation The papers presented will be submitted to the arbitration of at least two members of the Editorial Committee and / or external Consultants (according to the section to which it is presented) who will be able to act as evaluators or appoint the specialists they consider relevant for the referendum. the Editorial Committee's consideration of its publication. Preservation policy The materials published in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the repository of the UNLP. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are made through the repository. You can consult the previous issues of the journal in SEDICI at the following link: http://revistas-cientificas.prebi.unlp.edu.ar/?p=265