Arielistas, ateneístas, novecentistas. Young magazine men from Buenos Aires at the beginning of the University Reform.


  • Natalia Bustelo, NB Cedinci - UNSAM - UBA


Reforma Universitaria - Students and Politics - Centros Ariel - Ateneo Universitario - Colegio Novecentista


The paper intends to enlighten the gestation process of the key agents of the movement of the so-called Reforma Universitaria, that is, the university youth and the masters of this youth. Therefore it concentrates in the associations and publications that the university students of Buenos Aires began to inspire, even in the years immediately before of the Reforma, and it tries to reconstruct the type of intellectual interventions and practices, as well as their philosophical and politician options.


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How to Cite

Bustelo, N. (2012). Arielistas, ateneístas, novecentistas. Young magazine men from Buenos Aires at the beginning of the University Reform. Los Trabajos Y Los Días, (3), 12 a 40. Retrieved from