Tensions of a trade: Social Work and its students.


  • Favio Josín, FJ FTS - UNLP


University - Militancy - Political commitment - Militant speech.


This paper is concerned with exploring what are the conditions that make political participation of social work students and what were the motives that prompted enter the various political groupings. This trace a journey through the history of the School of Social Work and we focus on the analysis of enrollment and profile of social work students in a brief characterization. We propose the problems involved in student status within and outside the faculty to interpret militant discourse meanings. We show how experience is shaped as militant and results in a set of meanings that give coherence to militant practice beyond the differences between the various groups.


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How to Cite

Josín, F. (2012). Tensions of a trade: Social Work and its students. Los Trabajos Y Los Días, (3), 64 a 80. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/LosTrabajosYLosDias/article/view/5750