No. 3 (2012): Los Trabajos y los Días

					View No. 3 (2012): Los Trabajos y los Días
Number 3 of the magazine Los Trabajos y los Días (2012) consists of two bodies of articles. The first is dedicated to the approach of the student movement in Argentina; the second, the dossier on Brazil analyzes the relationship between intellectuals and politics in the 20th century. We published the unpublished chapter in Spanish language "Students and Populism" by Juan Carlos Portantiero of the book Students and Politics in Latin America presented by Natalia Bustelo and Adrián Celentano. A set of documentary sources on the University Reform complements the theme of the magazine. The section "History and Social Work" focuses on the Catholic origins of the discipline. Finally, the reviews were part of a call to participate in this issue through a student contest.  
Published: 2018-07-22

