The Clinic that protects the Environment. Cause: Lagoon "Las Perdices" Part 1
Legal Clinics, Environment, Collective Process, Strategic environmental litigationAbstract
In this article we will address the mission, vision, objectives and the actions carried out by the Environmental Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences’ at National University of La Plata. To do this, we will start from the reconstruction of a real and concrete experience in which its members have had intervention.
At the same time, we will delve into the study of one of the legal cases initiated by the Environmental Legal Clinic, limiting ourselves only to the analysis of a part of the process, until we arrive at the issuance of the sentence. We will synthetically describe the mechanisms used to select a case, the way in which the architecture of the demand is proposed, and some of the guidelines adopted for the selection of the evidence.
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