La deuda como fuerza colectiva
Los países y las personas pobres tienen pocas de las protecciones que tienen los ricos, pero tienen el poder de su fuerza colectiva. Los deudores del mundo pueden unirse y dejar de pagar.
AMARTHALINGAM Sangeetha (2020).“Will the financial sector continue to buck Covid-19 headwinds?”, Editorial The Phnom Penh Post, Nueva York.
FERREIRA Fernando y GYOURKO Joseph (2015).“A New Look at the U.S. Foreclosure Crisis: Panel Data Evidence of Prime and SubprimeBorrowersfrom 1997 to 2012”, NBER WorkingPaper Nueva York.
GYLFASON Thorvaldur (2013). “Democracyon ice: a post-mortem of theIcelandicconstitution”, Open Democracy. Disponible en:
GOVERNANCE ACROSS BORDERS (2017). “’We are at the end of ourtether!’ What African Women are trying to tell the Microfinance Industry”. Disponible en:
MADER Philip (2013). “Rise and Fall of Microfinance in India: The Andhra Pradesh Crisis in Perspective”, 1-2 StrategicChange, Vol. 22, 47-66, London.
MADER Philip (2019)“Microfinancedland-grabs and abuses in Cambodia are no surprise”, Institute of DevelopmentStudies, London.
ROOS Jerome, (2019).“WhyNot Default? ThePoliticalEconomy of SovereignDebt” Princeton UniversityPress, New York.
THORNTONChristy (2021).Revolution in DevelopmentMexico and theGovernance of the GlobalEconomy, University of California Press, California.
TOUSSAINT Eric, LEGRAND Nathan y LASKARIDIS Christina (2020). “Historical Perspectives on Current Struggles against Illegitimate Debt”, en Philip Mader, Daniel Mertens y Natascha van der Zwan (eds.), The Rout ledge International Handbook of Financialization, Routledge.