About the Journal

Cosmovisiones/Cosmovisões journal.

Sociedad Interamericana de Astronomía en la Cultura

Edited at the Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.

Editorial Policy:

Theme and scope:

The journal receives contributions linked to the interdisciplinary area of ​​cultural astronomy, within archaeoastronomy, ethnoastronomy, the social history of astronomy, as well as any other subarea of ​​cultural astronomy. On the one hand, original research articles are received and, on the other, reviews or bibliographical essays relevant to the area.

Each number is divided into two fixed sections:

The first of them, Logbook, is made up of original research articles that have been presented as oral presentations or posters at the Inter-American Conference on Cultural Astronomy -organized by SIAC- the previous year. Said contributions, regardless of the selection process carried out during the Conference, are submitted to the general evaluation process of the journal.

The second section of the journal, Horizons, is made up of original research articles - not presented at the Inter-American Conference on Cultural Astronomy - that may be sent at any time of the year and will be published in the corresponding number of the journal after having completed the evaluation process.

When there are adequate contributions, the number will have a third section:

Views, which is made up of contributions consisting of reviews and bibliographic essays. They may be sent at any time of the year and will be published in the corresponding issue of the journal after completing the evaluation process. These manuscripts are submitted to the general refereeing process of the journal, taking into account the particularities of this type of work.

Information to the authors:

The journal will inform the authors in the following phases of the process:

* Correct reception of the manuscript.

*Rejection in prediction by the Editorial Committee.

*Content of the academic opinions of peers of your text.

* Galley approval by the author.

*The status of published in print and online of the journal.


Open access policy:

The journal offers "open access" to all its content. The articles are available to be read, downloaded, copied, printed and/or researched according to the Creative Commons license: CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike-4.0 International)


The content of the journal is fully available from its publication. Readers are required to correctly cite the journal and the author of the downloaded content

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Copyright Notice:

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

The authors retain the intellectual authorship of the work and guarantee the journal the right to be the first publication of the work.

Authors can share the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Authors may separately establish additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in the journal (for example, placing it in an institutional repository or publishing it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal, and indicating the URL of the article in this journal.


Plagiarism detection:

The Coordinators and Editorial Committee, in the first phase of the review, carry out a manual inspection to detect possible plagiarism, looking for similar titles or abstracts, as well as comparing hypotheses, cases, methods and conclusions with already published research works. They also use, if necessary, the help of plagiarism detection software (https://plagiarismcheckerx.com/). The peer reviewers, in the second phase of the evaluation of the articles, are also asked to carry out a personal review of possible plagiarism, informing about the result of it as part of their evaluation of the manuscript.


Ethical standards:


The journal adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers). The code concerns the editorial team, authors and evaluators. Articles, reviews and bibliographic essays that do not comply with these ethical standards will not be published.

Declaration of editorial ethics and good practices

Author Responsibilities

The authors must guarantee the following:

1º The submitted manuscript is original, it is not being evaluated in other journals and the references and data included have been properly cited following the editorial standards of the journal found on the website.

2º The articles, reviews and bibliographical essays submitted to the Journal must contain a detailed description of the procedures followed. They must not contain false or distorted statements,

3º They will detail in the manuscript the sources of financial support for the research. Likewise, they must include a list of conflicts of interest in the case that this applies.

4º The information collected for the article has been obtained in an ethical manner.

5º They will recognize as co-authors those who have contributed substantially to the content of the article

6º They will follow the indications made by the Editorial Committee and the Coordinators in the different phases of evaluation, they will observe the schedule of deliveries, corrections and revisions.

7º They must have authorization to reproduce material that is not their property or authorship, such as: images, photographs, maps and graphics.

8º The authorship of an article or review must be the result of the substantial contributions of the author. All those who have made contributions to it must be listed as authors. Likewise, all the people listed as authors must have approved the content of the article before it is sent for publication and have knowledge of the evaluation process.


Referees Responsibilities

1º If the article that is requested to be evaluated is subject to a conflict of interest, it will be indicated immediately.

2º The evaluators will communicate their comments in an objective, respectful and well-founded manner. Posted comments must be free of personal opinions or value judgments.

3º The evaluators will indicate relevant references that have not been included in the article.

4th The result of the evaluation will be treated confidentially.

5º The information contained in the article will not be used or disclosed before its publication.

6º They will inform the Coordinators if they consider they are not qualified to carry out the evaluation.

7º They will inform the Coordinators if they observe misconduct by the authors of the articles.


Responsibilities of Editorial Committee members & coordinators:

1º Editors must treat all authors equally, without distinction of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political inclination.

2º They will inform the authors about the progress of the evaluation. They will send the complete comments of the evaluators, except when they are offensive or defamatory.

3º In the event that the Editorial Committee or the Coordinators detect inaccuracies or errors in articles, it is their responsibility to correct or retract as necessary.

4º The members of the Editorial Committee and the Coordinators must be free of any conflict of interest related to the authors, the article or its funders, which influences their decision to accept or reject an article. If they have an insurmountable impediment, they must express it and withdraw from the evaluation of a particular job.

5º They will ensure the confidentiality of the authors of the articles from the moment they are received until the conclusion of their evaluation.

6º The decision to accept, reject or accept with changes after the conclusion of the peer review process rests with the Editorial Committee, based on the evaluation of the originality and contribution of the article.

7º When plagiarism is suspected, the Editorial Committee and the Coordinators will use the free software to detect it: http://plagiarism-detect.com/

8º The intellectual property and copyright of the articles and reviews will be protected.


On editorial ethics

1º The Editorial Committee and the Coordinators undertake not to publish articles, reviews or bibliographical essays that contain components of plagiarism or fraud or that include fictitious authorship.

2º The Editorial Committee and the Coordinators assume the responsibility of respecting compliance with the rules and procedures contained in this declaration.

3º Authors who wish to withdraw an article or review must contact the Coordinators stating their wish and explaining the reasons for their request. The Editorial Committee will analyze the case and publish an identifiable retraction note in the table of contents and indexing services.

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Preservation and digital accessibility:

The issues of the journal will be accessible free of charge on its website, which will be connected to the website of the Sociedad Interamericana de Astronomía en La Cultura. In addition, they will be archived in the Institutional Repository of the National University of La Plata SEDICI (http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/). SEDICI adheres to the Open Access Initiative that supports the principle of the free availability of information. It has metadata records of the works deposited in the repository that are disseminated from interoperability protocols under the Dublin Core format and the like. Access to these metadata is open and free, and its reuse is encouraged in any medium without prior permission, under the condition of maintaining the identifier/persistent link (Handle) to the original metadata record available on the portal http://sedici. unlp.edu.ar.