Constellations, floods, summers and winters in the Upper Rio Negro


  • Walmir Thomazi Cardoso


Cultural Astronomy, Indigenous amazonian astronomy, Tukano´s indigenous Astronomy, Indigenous Astronomy, Indigenous astronomical calendars


Summer and winter are well-known concepts when we talk about seasons mainly in some climates around the world. In the Brazilian Amazon, winter and summer, mean respectively, humid and dry environmental behaviour. Based on these concepts the aim of present work is to make a comparison between two diferent kinds of research. One of them were developed by indigenous agents of environmental management (AIMAs – in Portuguese), which are a group of indigenous researchers led by anthropologists and technicians from the Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) for three different periods: 2005/2006; 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. The second study was my academical PhD on indigenous constellations and calendars developed primarily between 2005 and 2006. Partial conclusions points to adaptations in summers and winters to match calendar annual duration events.


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How to Cite

Thomazi Cardoso, . W. (2020). Constellations, floods, summers and winters in the Upper Rio Negro. Cosmovisiones / Cosmovisões, 1(1), 122–137. Retrieved from