About the Journal

Objective and Scope

GEOACTA is a journal with two forms of publication: printed ISNN 0326-7237 and online ISNN 1852-7744. It maintains a frequency of two volumes per year, that is to say, for each semester a VOLUME is published, edited by the ARGENTINEAN ASSOCIATION OF GEOPHYSICISTS AND GEODESISTS (AAGG) - (Argentina).

The first volume of the journal appeared in 1960, following the AAGG SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS held in the Province of Tucumán, Argentina.  From its beginning to 2018, 97 VOLUMES have been published, including scientific publications, communications, reports and technological developments.

The objective is to divulge ORIGINAL and UNPUBLISHED articles, Technological Developments, communications, as a result of research and technologies in the field of Earth, atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences, both nationally and internationally. GEOACTA's official languages are: Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Papers will be accepted if they provide information of local, regional and international interest, with appropriate justification, adequate experimental design and ample discussion.

Since the journal's readers belong to various disciplines, the papers should be understandable to a wide audience working in the fields of Earth, atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences.

The disciplines in which contributions will be accepted for publication are:

- Solar terrestrial physics

- Geodesy

- Geophysics

- Geomagnetism

- Geomatics

- Gravimetry

- Hydrology

- Cryospheric Sciences

- Meteorology

- Climatology

- Oceanography

- Seismology

- Volcanology

 The categories of articles to be published are as follows:


Are those that contain results of scientific research and that signify an original contribution to general, regional or international knowledge. These types of articles allow discussing a hypothesis, to make from a theoretical point of view a novel contribution to the subject.

  • Communications

Articles containing results of research in progress that, due to their relevance, deserve to be published, or that develop a new technique or methodology.

  • Reviews

Articles that summarize the updated state of knowledge on a topic.

  • Didactic articles:

These will be contributions on current topics related to the disciplines covered by the journal, intended to be used in undergraduate or graduate classes. The topics covered should be beyond the information present in the textbooks of each discipline and contain updated information.

  • Reports:


History and Commemorations

Reference is made to articles on the trajectory of Scientific and Academic Institutions, Laboratories, Institutes, Research Centers, etc., of relevance in the disciplines and areas of knowledge of the Journal, to be published in special thematic Volumes.

This journal belongs to the Basic Nucleus of CONICET Publications, has a wide diffusion in the world and is cited in LATINDEX, it is indexed by the e-Revistas platform. The Open Access Platform of Spanish and Latin American Electronic Scientific Journals e-Revistas is a project promoted by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) of Spain with the aim of contributing to the dissemination and visibility of scientific journals published in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal. The journals participating in this project must meet the formal and content quality standards, extracted from the Latindex quality criteria for electronic journals.

Members of the AAGG and all national, regional and international scientists, technologists, academics, professionals and graduate students who are not members of the AAGG may publish in the Journal in accordance with GEOACTA's PUBLICATION RULES.

The journal supports the movement of open access to knowledge as a common good, thus providing immediate and complete access to all its content, and its editions are free of charge for authors and readers.

The journal reserves the right to accept or not the contributions received, in accordance with its thematic scope and in compliance with its editorial standards.

The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their exclusive responsibility. 


  • Papers:

Are those that contain results of scientific research and that signify an original contribution to general, regional or international knowledge. These types of articles allow discussing a hypothesis, to make from a theoretical point of view a novel contribution to the subject.

  • Communications

Articles containing results of research in progress that, due to their relevance, deserve to be published, or that develop a new technique or methodology.

  • Reviews

Articles that summarize the updated state of knowledge on a topic.

  • Didactic articles:

These will be contributions on current topics related to the disciplines covered by the journal, intended to be used in undergraduate or graduate classes. The topics covered should be beyond the information present in the textbooks of each discipline and contain updated information.

  • Reports:


History and Commemorations

Reference is made to articles on the trajectory of Scientific and Academic Institutions, Laboratories, Institutes, Research Centers, etc., of relevance in the disciplines and areas of knowledge of the Journal, to be published in special thematic Volumes.


 The originals sent to the journal are submitted to an editorial process that is developed as described below:

The contributions received will be subject to a preliminary evaluation by the members of the Editorial Team who will determine the pertinence of their publication.

Those manuscripts that do not conform to the standards of preparation or that do not coincide with the purposes and orientation of the journal will be returned to the authors, without going through the refereeing process.

Articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated by the journal are sent to two external evaluators knowledgeable in the field.

For the evaluation of the contributions received, the journal uses the double-blind peer review process.

In all cases, the articles are evaluated by two specialists in the area in which the work is included (both external to the editorial unit).

As a result of this process, articles may be accepted, accepted with modifications or rejected, always on the basis of pertinent justifications.

When the evaluators indicate the need to make modifications for the eventual acceptance of the work, these will be communicated to the authors, who must commit to make them within 45 days for minor changes and 90 days in the case of major changes, to send the new version. After this period, a new submission will be considered.

The galley proofs will be sent to the authors for correction, electronically, as a PDF document (Acrobat Reader), and must be returned within 7 (seven) days of receipt. Otherwise, the editors reserve the right to correct them and send them for publication.

Once the galley proof is corrected, the pdf will be posted in the corresponding VOLUME and on the journal's website, so that it is available.


GEOACTA integrates the following indexes, databases and catalogs:

Basic Nucleus:

Basic Nucleus of Argentine Scientific Journals (Argentina).

LATINDEX Catalog 2.0:

Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (Mexico).


Collective Catalog of Periodicals (print version).


The institution promotes and supports the movement of open access to knowledge as a common good, so the journal provides immediate and complete access to all its content and its editions have no charges for either the author or the reader, under the principle of offering society unrestricted scientific and academic production contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge.

From October 2017, GEOACTA adheres to the Mexico Declaration in favor of the Latin American non-commercial open access ecosystem that recommends the use of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License (CC BY-NC-SA) to guarantee the protection of regional academic and scientific production in open access.


 Archive: the journal uses the LOCKSS system through PKP PN to create an archive distributed between participating libraries, allowing these libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes.

Self-archiving: GEOACTA allows self-archiving of the post-print version (editorial version), both on authors' personal websites and in institutional and thematic repositories.

The journal's deposit policy is registered at Malena


 The materials published in this journal are deposited in SEDICI, the institutional repository of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are carried out through this repository.

SEDICI's preservation policies can be consulted at:



 GEOACTA is published through OJS (Open Journals System) and incorporates the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol in the URL: https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/revagro/oai , which allows different metadata formats (rfc1807, nlm, marcxml, oai_marc and oai_dc) to be obtained by entering the corresponding acronym in the URL as a value for the metadataPrefix parameter.