Editorial Team

Velis, Danilo, Editor-in-Chief, CIGEOF-UNLP and CONICET.

Araneo, Diego, Associate Editor, IANIGLA-CONICET.

Yuchechen, Adrián Enrique, Associate Editor, UTN-CONICET.

Tocho, Claudia Noemí, Associate Editor, UNLP-CIC.

Zossi, Marta María, Associate Editor, INFINOA-CONICET-FACETUNT.

Larocca, Patricia Alejandra, Associate Editor, IGGA FIUBA - UBA.

Arecco, María Alejandra, Associate Editor, IGGA FIUBA - UBA.

Vich, Alberto Juan Ismael, Associate Editor, IANIGLA-CONICET, UNCuyo.

Gende, Mauricio Alfredo, Associate Editor, UNLP-CONICET.

Pereira, Ayelén, Associate Editor, CONICET-UNR.

Rivera Ibáñez, Andrés Sergio, Associate Editor, University of Chile.

Torrejón, Mónica, Secretary, ICES Argentina - UNCuyo.