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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file (manuscript) is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or Adobe Acrobat.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • A cover page with the title of the work, authors and affiliations is included in a separate file.
  • The manuscript does not contain the names of the authors or their affiliations either in the body of the text or in the file properties.

Author Guidelines

Materials must be ORIGINAL and UNDISPUBLISHED, not having been submitted simultaneously to other publications or pending evaluation for publication in any other medium.

Papers that have been presented at scientific events (congresses, conferences, symposia) may be submitted, as long as they have not been published in proceedings.

GEOACTA only publishes unpublished material, although it does not require exclusivity: papers can be published later in any language, support and format, as long as it is indicated that the text was originally published in this journal.

In all cases, papers will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

The papers that do not comply with the guidelines indicated below will be returned to the authors so that they can adapt them within the stipulated deadlines and will not be sent to the referee until they are adapted to the present editorial guidelines.

Manuscripts should be submitted as a single electronic file in Microsoft Word, including Tables and Figures pasted in the appropriate place, and not at the end. The document format can be rtf or doc. Due to compatibility problems, do not send docx format.

The paper should be accompanied by a list of at least 3 specialists in the subject, from the country or abroad, who could act as referees. This list should contain: surname and first names, position or function, postal address, and e-mail address.

The suggested referees should not belong to the authors' working group or have been co-authors in manuscripts published in the last 5 years. FAILURE TO MEET THIS CRITERION OF INDEPENDENCE OF THE SUGGESTED REVIEWERS WILL BE SUFFICIENT CAUSE FOR THE MANUSCRIPT NOT TO BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION.

SUBMISSIONS TO SPECIAL ISSUES: In the same archive that contains the list of potential reviewers, the name of the special issue should be mentioned (e.g.: SPECIAL ISSUE "TALLER DE GEOMATICA- Vol 39-1").

Structure of the manuscript

Title page: a) complete title of the paper, b) authors (name and surname), with their places of work and complete postal addresses, and, c) name, postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail of the author with whom correspondence related to the manuscript will be maintained.

The following pages should include a) Title: clear and representative of the content of the article, b) Abstract in Spanish or in the original language of the article (no more than 250 words), c) Key words (five in order of importance): should seek to expand, and not repeat, the words already contained in the title, d) Abbreviated title for the heading of the pages, e) Title in another language (in English if the article is in Spanish or Portuguese; in Spanish or Portuguese if the article is in English), f) Abstract, g) Key words, and, h) the main text of the paper (if possible) in the following sections: Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Bibliography.

The Results and Discussion should be written in separate sections.

It is important that the Introduction first contextualizes the importance of the work for readers from a broad audience in the earth, atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences.  Subsequently, the background relevant to readers in the same discipline should be detailed. Similarly, the Discussion and Conclusions should be of interest to both types of readers.

Manuscript characteristics

Manuscripts must conform to the grammatical rules established by the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española in its latest edition, or their equivalents in other languages.

The format should be A4 sheets, numbered (lower right margin), single-spaced, without syllable separation, with continuous numbered lines and 2.5 cm margins. The font used should be Arial 12.

The title of the paper should be written in lower case, using capital letters when necessary (first letter of the title, beginning of scientific names and proper names, acronyms, etc.). Section titles (capitalized and bold), subtitles (lowercase and bold) and, if there are second-order subtitles (lowercase and italic), should be placed in the left margin.

Figures, Tables and Photos should be inserted or pasted in the same document (in the corresponding place), together with their caption (see details in "Tables", "Figures" and "Photos", below).

The archive should be designated with the author's name and saved in rtf or doc format. When the file of the paper is very large (more than 1Mb), it is preferable to compress it (Winzip).

Abbreviations and scientific names

Abbreviations of names, procedures, etc., should be defined the first time they appear. Abbreviations of a physical nature should be written according to the International System of Units (SI). Dates will be written as follows: February 8, 2012. When a species is mentioned for the first time in the main text, the common name (if it has one) and the scientific name (in italics or underlined) should be placed with the author. Subsequently, the common or scientific name may be used without the author. In the title, the inclusion of scientific names (without their authors) or vulgar names will be accepted. In the summary and abstract the scientific names, with their authors, and vulgar names (if any) should be included.


Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and with a sufficiently explanatory legend placed above the table. No shading or vertical lines should be included in their layout. Tables should not be made with tabulators and drawing lines, but the Insert Table function should be used. Tables should be pasted into the text in the desired location. Numbers with decimals should be punctuated with commas and not periods (Ex.: 25.10; 2.30; 0.25).

Figures and photographs

Figures: they should be included in the text, inserted in the corresponding place in the Word document (Paste special option, Enhanced Metafile), in good quality, in such a way that they can be easily interpreted by the evaluators. It must have an explanatory caption under each figure. Figures should not have an external frame. Figures can be submitted in color, as well as in black and white. Do not repeat the same information in tables and figures. The maximum size of an illustration in one column will be 6.5 x 19.7 cm and in two columns 13.3 x 19.7 cm. The font used should be Arial in both cases.

Photographs: photographs in color and shades of gray (Black and White) are allowed. These should be sent in good definition archives. It is considered most convenient to send them with a resolution of 300 dpi, in shades of gray and in color, in jpg format (compressed), in the approximate size in which they will be printed. Color photographs may be placed both in the digital version (on-line) and in the printed version. In the case of photomicrographs, the scale figure should be included for a more accurate reference. If the photographs are not pasted in the desired location in the text, the place where they should be inserted should be indicated with the caption: Figure XXX.


References contained in the text

Citations should be in the form: (Smith & Robinson, 1987), Smith & Robinson (1987), (Robinson et al., 1980; Smith & Anderson, 1978); (Smith, 1970; 1972). Works by three or more authors will be cited as: Smith et al., (1986). If references cannot be identified by author names and year, a, b, c, etc., should be used after the year (e.g. Smith & Robinson, 1988a; 1988b). Personal communications should be cited as follows (Robinson, pers. comm., 1980).

Final references (bibliography)

References should be placed in alphabetical order, without numbering and in full. References with the same first author will be listed as follows: (1) Papers with one author only, listed in increasing chronological order, (2) Papers with two authors should appear after (1) and will be listed in alphabetical order of the second author, (3) Papers with three or more authors should appear after (2) and in chronological order.

They should be written as in the following examples (with authors in bold and "&" symbol to join the last author):


Pengue, W. (2000). Cultivos transgénicos Hacia dónde vamos? Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Lugar Editorial.

Kozlowski, T. T. (1984). Flooding and Plant Growth. New York, United States: Academic Press.

Book chapters

Slafer, G. A., Satorre E. and Andrade F. H. (1994). Increases in grain yield in bread wheat from breeding and associated physiological changes. In G. A. Slafer, Genetic Improvement in Field Crops (pp. 1-68). New York, United States: Marcel Dekker.

Labrador Moreno, J. (2001). Approach to agroecological management of soil fertility. In J. Labrador Moreno and M. A. Altieri (Coords.), Agroecología y desarrollo. Aproximación a los fundamentos agroecológicos para la gestión sustentable de agroecosistemas mediterráneos (pp.129-165). Madrid, Spain: Mundi Prensa.

Journal articles

Chahal, K.K., Mandeep, K., Urvashi, B., Singla, N. and Amandeep, K. (2017). A review on chemistry and biological activities of Laurus nobilis L. essential oil. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 6(4), 1153-1161.

Re, M. and Menéndez, N. (2006). Impact of climate change on the coasts of the La Plata River. Inter-American Journal of Natural Disasters, Accidents and Civil Infrastructure, 7(1), 1-34. Retrieved from

Lucho, C. A., Álvarez, M., Beltrán, R. I., Prieto, F. and Poggi, H. (2005). A multivariate analysis of the accumulation and fractionation of major and trace elements in agricultural soils in Hidalgo State, Mexico irrigated with raw wastewater. Environmental International. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2004.08.002.

Newspaper articles

Environmentalists back on the charge over land clearing in Santiago and Paulino Island (February 8, 2013). El Día. Retrieved from

Communications in congresses

De Paula, F., Locks, M., Beltrao, M. and Amaral, M. (2002). Estudio preliminar etnobotânico de plantas de uso medicinal na Região arqueológica de Central-Bahia, Brasil. Paper presented at the Third Virtual Congress of Anthropology and Archaeology. Bahia, Brazil. Retrieved from

Ferraris, G. and Bravo, M. L. (2014). Organizations of horticultural producers in the Green Belt of La Plata. Paper presented at the VIII Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP. Ensenada, Argentina. Retrieved from


Mamone, L. A. (2014). Search for new photosensitizers for cancer treatment, bacterial inactivation and antineoplastic active principles from plant species from Argentina (Doctoral thesis). Retrieved from

Ibarra Salas, M. J. (2009). Hypoglycemic effect of Tecoma stans and Eriobotrya japonica and its relationship with the presence of chromium as a factor of glucose tolerance (Doctoral thesis). Retrieved from


Fertilize Project. (2002). Fertilizer consumption according to crops and nutrients in 1999. Retrieved fromísticas/consumoFertilizantesRegion.htm

Steps to MAKE A PAPER (Instructions in pdf)

Papers should be submitted through the journal's platform. Contributions received by e-mail will not be considered.

To start submitting a paper, you must log in (if you do not have a user yet, you must register in the journal as an author), access Submissions/New Submission and complete the five steps requested by the system.

Step 1: Start

At this point you must indicate the "Language", choose the "Section", verify and check the different "Submission requirements" and, if necessary, enter "Comments for the editor".

Step 2: Upload the paper

After indicating what type of material you are going to upload, you must access "Upload file" and attach the archive with the article.

Step 3: Enter the metadata

At this point you must upload the "Title", "Abstract" and "Keywords", both in English and Spanish.

In cases of multiple authorship, you must select "Add collaborator" and enter the data of the co-authors.

In this step you can also modify and/or complete your profile (ORCID identifier, institutional affiliation and biographical summary of no more than 200 words).

Step 4: Confirmation

At this point, the system confirms that your paper is ready to be sent and offers you the possibility to go back to review the information uploaded in the previous steps.

When you are satisfied that all the information is correct, you must click on "Finish paper".

Step 5: Next steps

At this last point, the journal informs you that you have been notified about your paper and that a confirmation email will be sent to you.

Verify that you have received this email as it will send you the URL that will allow you to follow the progress of the editorial process of your paper.

According to these terms, the material may be shared (copied and redistributed in any medium or format) and adapted (remixed, transformed and created from the material another work), provided that a) the authorship and the original source of publication (journal and URL of the work) are cited, b) it is not used for commercial purposes and c) the same terms of the license are maintained.

Prior to this date the articles were published in the journal under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license.

In both cases, the acceptance of the originals by the journal implies the non-exclusive transfer of the authors' economic rights in favor of the editor, who allows the reuse, after its edition (postprint), under the corresponding license according to the edition.

Such assignment implies, on the one hand, that after its publication (postprint) in GEOACTA, the authors may publish their work in any language, media and format (in such cases, it is requested that it be stated that the material was originally published in this journal); on the other hand, the authors' authorization for the work to be harvested by SEDICI, the institutional repository of the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, and to be disseminated in the databases that the editorial team considers appropriate to increase the visibility of the publication and its authors.

Likewise, the journal encourages authors to deposit their productions in other institutional and thematic repositories after their publication in GEOACTA, under the principle that offering unrestricted scientific and academic production to society contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge.

Scientific work

Full articles that contain results of scientific research and that signify an original contribution to general, regional, or international knowledge. These types of articles allow discussing a hypothesis, to make, from a theoretical point of view, a novel contribution to the subject. It is recommended to include, although not required, at least one example with real data to illustrate the technology or concept that is being proposed.


Brief articles containing results of research in progress, or that develop a new technique or methodology that, due to their relevance, deserve to be published.


Articles that summarize the updated state of knowledge on a topic of interest for the Journal's community.

Didactic articles

Contributions on current topics related to the disciplines covered by the journal, intended to be used in undergraduate or graduate classes, and to stimulate ideas The topics covered should go beyond the information present in the textbooks for each discipline and contain updated information.


Plenary conferences, scientific and technical workshops, and round tables held during AAGG Scientific Meetings.

History and Commemorations

Articles on the trajectory of scientific and academic institutions, laboratories, research centers, and institutes of relevance in the disciplines and areas of knowledge of the journal.

Notas técnicas

Articles that contain results of ongoing research that, due to their relevance, deserve to be published, or that develop a new technique or methodology.

Resúmenes extendidos AAGG 2024

El "Libro de Resúmenes Extendidos" (volumen especial de la revista GEOACTA) se armará con los resúmenes extendidos recibidos oportunamente. Los mismos deberán enviarse en formato de documento Word a través del portal de la revista en la versión exacta que fue aceptada para el congreso luego de los cambios sugeridos por los revisores (si los hubo). Los autores de los resúmenes extendidos recibirán un correo electrónico de los editores de la revista una vez que el trabajo haya sido subido a la sección "Resúmenes extendidos". La fecha límite de envío es el 30 de junio de 2024.

Privacy Statement

Personal data and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by the publication and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.