Movilidad de metales y otros elementos en el acuífero loéssico regional del suroeste bonaerense
loessic aquifer, trace elements, mobility, metalsAbstract
Major, minor and trace elements concentrations were analyzed from twelve groundwater samples collected from the western slopes of the Australes ranges, and correlated with loess chemical composition and loessic volcanic glass. Also, the relative mobility (RM) of each element was calculated. With the exception of U and As, all elements analyzed have low values of RM. The wide spectrum of mobility suggests that loess weathering is an incongruent process. Zr, Al, Th and Ti are the elements with lower mobility. OHA elements, in particular U and As, have high RM values. Sequence mobility of alkaline and earth alkaline elements has an analogous pattern of the affinity order of sorption with clay minerals, Cs and Rb having the lowest RM and Sr, Ca and Mg the highest RM. Transition metals have intermediate RM values, between alkaline-earths, alkaline and immobile elements. Relative mobility for Mn and Fe is the lowest of this group. Cr, Cd and Ni have moderate values while Zn and V have the highest ones. Due to the oxidizing conditions present in the aquifer system, elements such as U, Mo and V exhibit great mobility, whereas Mn and Co show little mobility. Carbonate complexes are formed, which influence the solution geochemistry of U, As and Sn. In addition to As there are several other toxic metals which degrade groundwater quality, thus endangering human health.
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Copyright (c) 2008 A. Guillermo Bonorino , Fabiana Limbozzi, René Albouy, Claudio Lexow

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