Variaciones interanuales de la precipitación de verano y el rendimiento del cultivo de la vid en Mendoza


  • Eduardo Andrés Agosta Equipo Interdisciplinario para el Estudio de Procesos Atmosféricos en el Cambio Global – Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – CONICETPEPACG-, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina - UCA,
  • Martin Cavagnaro Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura


Grape production, precipitation, climate change


The grape production is the main economic source in the agro-industry of Cuyo (28°S-36°S / 65°W70°W), becoming the most developed region for wine production in Argentina. One of the climate factors of major impact on the grapevine production is the destruction of the vineyards due to graze, as a result of
summer deep convection. The strong graze storms affect the vineyard yields, provoking a partial or total deterioration of entire parcels. In the analyzed period 1979-2008 both, the summer precipitation and the grape production show significant oscillation at the scale 6-8 years being inversely correlated within the decade scale. Likewise, a wet (dry) summer can have more (less) probability of occurrence of graze harm during the actual summer being associated with lower (higher) grapevine production in the following year campaign due to changes in the availability of grape buds. Also a fraction of the grape production variation in the actual summer can be associated with changes in the precipitation of the same summer due to direct harm (precipitation intensity) or indirectly due to relatively prolonged floods. The clear climate dependence of the grape farming shows that the annual grapevine production is modulated by decadal precipitation variations, which are linked to global features of the climate system. Potential results for the grapevine production forecast are derived under future climate change scenarios in the region. 


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How to Cite

Agosta, E. A., & Cavagnaro, M. (2010). Variaciones interanuales de la precipitación de verano y el rendimiento del cultivo de la vid en Mendoza. Geoacta, 35(2), 1–11. Retrieved from



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