Cryospheric Roundtable Review

“The great challenges of scientific research in South American glaciers”


  • Andrés Rivera Universidad de Chile
  • María Gabriela Lenzano Laboratorio de Geomática Andina – IANIGLA CONICET


Within the framework of the XXIX Meeting of the Argentine Association of Geophysicists and Geodesists on August 3, 2021, the cryospheric Round Table was held on recent results and future challenges of scientific research in South American glaciers. This table had the participation of leading international scientists who presented their most recent work carried out throughout the Andes, who shared their ideas and projects with more than 100 non-contact participants who listened, commented and asked questions with great interest. on the present and future of the South American cryosphere.


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Braun, M. H., Ph. Malz, Ch. Sommer, D. Farías-Barahona, T. Sauter, G. Casassa, A. Sorucco, P. Skvarca and T. C. Seehaus (2019).

Constraining glacier elevation and mass changes in South America. Nature Climate Change 9, 130-136.

Lenzano, M.G., E. Lannutti, C. Toth, A. Rivera and L. Lenzano (2018). Detecting Glacier Surface Motion by Optical Flow. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Journal (PE&RS) 84(1): 33-42.

Rivera, A., F. Bown, F. Napoleoni, C. Muñoz & M. Vuille (2016). Balance de masa glaciar. Ediciones CECs, Valdivia, Chile, 203 pp.

Rivera A., J. C. Aravena, A. Urra and B. Reid (2021). Glaciares de la Patagonia Chilena y Consecuencias Medioambientales de sus Cambios. En: Castilla, J. C., Armesto, J. J., y Martínez-Harms, M. J. (Eds.). Conservación en la Patagonia chilena: evaluación del conocimiento, oportunidades y desafíos. Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Católica, Santiago de Chile, Capítulo 15, pp 473-491.

Vuille, M., M. Carey, C. Huggel, W. Buytaert, A. Rabatel, D. Jacobsen, A. Soruco, M Villacis, C. Yarleque, O. Elison-Timm, T. Condom, N. Salzmann and J.E. Sicart (2018). Rapid decline of snow and ice in the tropical Andes – Impacts, uncertainties and challenges ahead. Earth-Science Reviews 176, 195-213.

Zalazar, L., L. Ferri, M. Castro, H. Gargantini, M. Gimenez, P. Pitte, L. Ruiz, M. Masiokas, G. Costa and R. Villalba (2020). Spatial distribution and characteristics of Andean ice masses in Argentina: Results from the first National Glacier Inventory. Journal of Glaciology 66(260), 938-949.



How to Cite

Rivera, A., & Lenzano, M. G. (2022). Cryospheric Roundtable Review: “The great challenges of scientific research in South American glaciers”. Geoacta, 43(2), 111–114. Retrieved from