Patterns of hydroclimatic variability in the central Andes (30-37°s) of Argentina
periodicity, climatic forcing, precipitation, flow, ArgentinaAbstract
Hydroclimatic processes are characterized by cycles that repeat with a certain frequency. In particular, precipitation and streamflow in the the Central Andes basins show a large interannual and decadal scale variability. Understanding the origin of these cycles allows us to identify the influence of ocean-atmosphere circulation on the components of the hydrological cycle to improve the management of water resources. The aim of this study is to identify the main climatic forcings associated with the modes of variability of precipitation and streamflows during the last 60 years in the main Central Andean rivers (San Juan, Mendoza, Tunuyán, Diamante, Atuel, Grande, and Barrancas basins). A coherence analysis between hydroclimatic variables and various climate indices facilitates the detection of those frequencies where the two time series interact. Significant correlations exist between the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI), precipitation, and streamflow. Higher intensity cycles were identified in the 2-8 year bands in the period between 1970-2000, which explains the high-frequency variability in precipitation and streamflow. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) and streamflow in decadal periods show a significant coherence detected in the San Juan, Mendoza, and Atuel River basins, whereas, streamflow and precipitations records located south 35°S reveal a negative relation with the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) index.
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