Evaluation of a 5 pillars baseline for MED equipment calibration


  • José Romano Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Pablo Paús Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de La Plata


metrology, uncertainty, multiple linear regression (MLR), traceability, surveying


This paper presents the implementation of a baseline for the calibration of electro-optical distance meters (MED) commonly used in engineering and surveying works. A baseline is made up of a series of fixed points aligned on the ground, and meets with a series of characteristics that allow determining the magnitudes of the systematic errors of a MED equipment together with their corresponding expressions of uncertainty (calibration parameters) from the observed distances. The distances between the points must be nominal values obtained with a higher precision equipment than those to be tested, they must also be traceable measurements. A baseline should be understood as a tool that makes it possible to generate observations of distances that constitute representative statistical samples of the measurements that are commonly carried out with the tested equipment.

This work covers the set of analyzes carried out on a baseline design, the most appropriate measurement procedure and the type of calculation adopted to achieve the results. In order to validate these proposals, experimental measurements were made with test equipment in a transitory baseline. To carry out these tests, equipment from the Argentinian German Geodetic Observatory (AGGO) was used, which complies with the technical specifications required to obtain the distances that were used as nominal values.

The implementation of a transitory baseline made it possible to develop the test on the test equipment, applying the developed procedures, and as a result its calibration parameters were obtained.


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How to Cite

Romano, J., & Paús, P. (2023). Evaluation of a 5 pillars baseline for MED equipment calibration. Geoacta, 44(2), 36–56. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/geoacta/article/view/15909



Scientific work