Geoelectric study in the town of Nogolí: A contribution to the understanding of the structure and hydrogeology in the western foothills of the Sierra de San Luis
Geophysics, Neotectonics, The Sierras Pampeanas, Hidrogeology, PiedmontAbstract
The following work, used the application of vertical electrical sounding (VES) with the Schlumberger symmetrical electrode array for the determination of the electrical properties of the subsoil in Nogolí town. With the information obtained in each VES, an integration and subsequent construction of apparent resistivity profiles (pseudo section), isopach maps of Quaternary and Neogene sediments, igneous-metamorphic basement and the unconfined aquifer of the locality was carried out. The use of the geoelectric method in different points of interest, allowed us to understand the behavior of the western edge of the Sierras de San Luis in a geological context of contractional dynamics, which gave rise to a prograding deformation towards the center of basin (piedmont forelands). The hydrogeological conditions of the locality are affected by the structuring of the sector that produces the discontinuity of the aquifer in the footwall located to the west of the detected faults, also generating a north and south bifurcation.
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