The future of remote sensing: harnessing the data revolution


  • Charles Toth Department of Civil, Environmental and Geodetic Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA


Geospatial data has been used increasingly in applications far beyond the traditional mapping and engineering fields. Location-based services and location-aware data have been transforming every aspect of our lives. Both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) systems are based on spatial data and spatial data processing, and can now analyze an individual’s field of view to provide information, such as the identification of items and their properties or recommendations of actions, and then 3D visualizations in time of location-attributed datasets, respectively. The source of data is an ever-growing set of sensors and data collection devices, each providing data with specific sensor-determined spatial, spectral and temporal resolution, and error properties. Besides mapping and Earth sciences, applications abound, ranging from autonomous vehicles to smart city implementations, human/machine collaborative manufacturing to disaster and environmental management, medical and geriatric assistive functions to defense operations and surveillance, etc. The growing amount of geospatial data, processed by new big data methods, are already driving developments and will create new applications and industries that will have major societal impact over the next decade and beyond.


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Como Citar

Toth, C. (2017). The future of remote sensing: harnessing the data revolution. Geoacta, 42(2), 1–6. Recuperado de


