The South Atlantic in Danger

The Madrid Agreements and Law 24,184 during the nineties


  • Federico Mizrahi Universidad Nacional de Rosario



Law 24,184, Madrid Agreements, demalvinization , Malvinas War , postwar period


By the end of the war between Argentina and England in the South Atlantic on June 14, 1982, the demalvinization process began during Reynaldo Bignone’s dictatorial rule. This process found justification in the need to slowly and systematically promote the reestablishment of the bilateral relations between the Argentine and the British States, laying the foundations to determine the real and effective conditions to the cessation of hostilities and guaranteeing the system of economic and financial british interests in the region. This was materialized in the Madrid I and II Agreements, signed by Argentina and the United Kingdom, between October 1989 and February 1990, during the presidency of Carlos Menem and with Domingo Cavallo as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and in the law 24,184 as well.

In the following article, we propose to examine the Madrid Agreements in detail, dealing with the document called “Joint Declaration of the delegations of Argentina and the United Kingdom” and the law 24,184, with the purpose of revealing the political and economic consequences of them for the sovereignty of our country.


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How to Cite

Mizrahi, F. (2023). The South Atlantic in Danger: The Madrid Agreements and Law 24,184 during the nineties. Malvinas En Cuestión, (2), e013.



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