
  • Mario E. Díaz Durán
  • Graciela Ruggiero Scarpa


University Accreditation, Evaluation, Quality of education, Excellence, Self.


Universities and professional associations should work to achieve the goals set in the mission of AIC:
"Achieving comprehensive improvement and training of accountants of the Americas, to achieve a strong and coherent profession, to fulfill its responsibility to society in a frank exchange and fraternal coexistence."
In seeking to meet this need arise various models of professional accreditation, and bodies responsible for implementing them.
American countries must achieve coordination and exchange of experiences to carry out a project on Accreditation. This project is linked to the creation and maintenance of a Continuing Education Program. Each country must work to achieve their own and joint objectives at the same time. To get to that point the harmonization of plans previously required greater study, establishing a basic framework, which in turn allows maintaining the autonomy of each university. Precisely because of the diversity of existing plans and titles on the continent it becomes necessary concomitantly Accreditation of higher education institutions to ensure quality requirements previously established at regional level.
It becomes evident how the Accreditation of Institutions, Continuous Education and Professional Accreditation are linked, all having the same aim: to guarantee the provision of high-quality services, providing transparency and security. This will undoubtedly require a previous harmony and convergence, in a process that may take a while, and that is why it is necessary to START!!!


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How to Cite

Díaz Durán, M. E., & Ruggiero Scarpa, G. (2015). ALGUNAS REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA ACREDITACION. Proyecciones, (9). Retrieved from


