Agriculture and mobility on the south-eastern frontier of the Inca empire: Bioarchaeological contributions from the Agua Amarga site (Uco Valley)




stable isotopes, diet, mobility, northern Mendoza


The development of agriculture since 2500 years BP in central western Mendoza promoted demographic, economic, social and cultural changes. In order to contribute to the study of these processes, trends in diet and mobility of people of the area were explored through the research of bioarchaeological collection from Agua Amarga site, which is conserved in Museo de Historia Natural de San Rafael (Mendoza). Due to the rescue conditions and the poor preservation of samples, multiple lines of evidence were integrated, includying cronological and funerary context reconstructions; and bioarchaeological and stable isotopes analyses  (δ13Ccol, δ15N, δ13Capa y δ18O) of the human remains. These results are in addition to previous archaeological researchs of the site. Compared to the regional trends that indicate a high maize consumption from 1100 years BP onwards that declined around 550 years BP in the north and center of Mendoza, Agua Amarga stands out for maintaining a high consumption before and during the Inca and early colonial times. Regarding mobility, the δ18O values correspond to a local, or Uco Valley, origin of the individuals, which should be adjusted with a more complete sampling of waters in the region.


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How to Cite

Peralta, E., & Ots, M. J. (2024). Agriculture and mobility on the south-eastern frontier of the Inca empire: Bioarchaeological contributions from the Agua Amarga site (Uco Valley). Revista Argentina De Antropología Biológica, 26(1), 074.



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