Genetic history of the classic period of teotihuacan’s burials in Central Mexico
The ancient city of Teotihuacan was a great urban and ceremonial center, whose population grew exceptionally during the Classic Period (300–700 AC). Settlement patterns, culture and burials have indicated an occupation that consisted of groups of neighboring apartment compounds or barrios. We investigated the genetics of three apartment compounds in the Teotihuacan Valley through ancient DNA analysis to prove multiethnicity during the Classic Period. Amerindian mitochondrial haplogroups were identified in 10 subjects from San Francisco Mazapa, 7 from San Sebastián Xolalpan, and 19 human bone tools from La Ventilla. These samples had a wide genetic diversity. Differences in genetic structures between the three households and seven ancient populations from central and southern Mexico were slight but significant (p<0.001) by FST analysis between the three barrios studied. Xaltocan (post-conquest) was in agreement with the number of migrants estimated. Tlailotlacan, another Teotihuacan household, was different following a small interaction with Mazapa, Xolalpan, and La Ventilla. Through the estimation of immigrants, the three households studied seem to have come into contact with Mayans from Xcaret in Yucatan, which coincides with archaeological data reported. Genetic data could indicate that migration, along with reduced genetic drift, may possibly have a more effective role among Teotihuacan groups. This suggests that interchange with other groups did not restrict to commercial, service or governmental purposes, which mplies demographic integration and genetic fusion culminating in multiethnicity during the Classic Period in Teotihuacan. Further studies can be directed to examine other households and with future sequencing analysis
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