The decision of the gift and the passivity of the subject

A commentary on the gift in Being Given by Jean-Luc Marion


  • Mario Di Giacomo Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



gift, giveness, theological turn of french phenomenology, constituent subject, Jean-Luc Marion


This paper examines the role of the gift in Marion's thinking. For this reason, he dwells on what the author says about that figure in Being Given, as well as that of the one who donates (giver) and that of the one who receives the gift (givee). Likewise, the role of subjectivity in its relationship with the donation of the phenomenon is analyzed in the sense that the ego loses its constituent power if it starts from an understanding of the phenomenon as that which shows itself from itself. Marion is located in the context of a post-metaphysical philosophy with links to Christian thought, but still conceives a first philosophy under the concepts of gift and givenness, just as Henry institutes a prote philosophia with the concept of life. Marion is part of what has been called “The Theological Turn of French Phenomenology”, although this turn does not fully recognize the role that the founder of phenomenology has given to the donation of non-object realities, decanting his criticism towards the objectifying Husserl and the entifying conception of intentionality.


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How to Cite

Di Giacomo, M. (2023). The decision of the gift and the passivity of the subject: A commentary on the gift in Being Given by Jean-Luc Marion. Dios Y El Hombre, 7(1), 097.



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