Pslam 139 (Part II)

Poetic analysis and exegesis


  • Carlos Julián Reyes Toso Instituto Seminario Mayor San José de La Plata



Psalm 139, poetic analysis , exegesis , omniscience, omnipresence


This article, supported by the fruits of the textual and rhetorical study of Psalm 139 (138), proposes a detailed examination of the parallels and images that the hagiographer uses to express his experience of God. The elements of particular theological and anthropological importance that the psalmist proposes with special beauty for meditation and praise of God are highlighted segment after segment.


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How to Cite

Reyes Toso, C. J. (2023). Pslam 139 (Part II): Poetic analysis and exegesis. Dios Y El Hombre, 7(1), 095.



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