Training of Human Resources at the Dental Hospital of the National University of La Plata


  • Teresa A. Butler Universidad Nacional de La Plata



training, human resource, dental hospital, assistance, community


From the realization of three seminars by the Panamerican Health Organization (WHO) 1962 and 1966, substantian changes took place and the different schools and faculties of Dentistry in Latin America, thinking about the training of human resources for the attention of the oral health of the population. It was Latin America and the Caribbean that initiated the different health reforms taking into account equity and primary health care (PHC). Conssidering the current socio-economic, cultural and scientific changes, whithin the framework of free , exclusive, excellent and ethical at the National University of la Plata, this intervention project is formulated from the Dental Hospital of the faculty of Dentistry of the UNLP. This work is applied to the human resource that is formed at the University Dental Hospital of the UNLP School of Dentistry. The general aim is to desing in- service training strategies for undergraduate students of dental career at the UNLP, who carry out their internships at the FOLP School Hospital that contributes to their continuous and comprenhensive training. The projet will be carried out in three stages initial, intermediate and final.They will be delineated base on a situational diagnosis, to later elaborate, organized and plan the different strategies to follow, trying to reform the training of human resoucers with the cointainments of patients assisted in the aforementiond hospital.


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Author Biography

Teresa A. Butler, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Secretaria de Articulación Docencia Asistencia FO - UNLP


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How to Cite

Butler, T. A. (2021). Training of Human Resources at the Dental Hospital of the National University of La Plata. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e007.



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