Pathways to UNLP: Access to Higher Education as an Objective, Possibility and Imaginary of High School Students


  • María Eugenia Ramallo Universidad Nacional de La Plata



students, higher education, articulation, secondary education, support, trayectorias, inclusion, equality


This article reports on a proposal for a comprehensive transformation in the promotion of access to the UNLP, through the design and application of public policies to accompany the educational trajectories of students in the upper cycle of public schools in La Plata and Gran La Plata. Institutions that have been going through the most diverse and complex situations for decades. In this context and in the framework of the relatively recent compulsory nature of the Level, the specialized teams involved must permanently rethink their practices. The project contemplates the accompaniment of young high school students of the upper cycle in their termination, trying to incorporate among their objectives, possibilities and imaginations the access to higher studies; as well as it constitutes a deepening of the Come to the UNLP program, the public policy of greater scope in the promotion of income offered by the National University of La Plata, and seeks a systematic and permanent work with the General Directorate of Culture and Education of the Province of Buenos Aires, in the process of articulation between levels.


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Author Biography

María Eugenia Ramallo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Directora de Vinculación con el Nivel Medio, Prosecretaría de Bienestar Universitario - UNLP


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How to Cite

Ramallo, M. E. (2021). Pathways to UNLP: Access to Higher Education as an Objective, Possibility and Imaginary of High School Students. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e033.



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