Dinámica de un modelo no lineal del ciclo económico


  • Ana María Martirena Mantel


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the dynamic economic behavior implicit in the Kaldorian model of the trade cycle. It is concerned with the explanation of the conditions for the existence and temporal persistence of cyclical movements in an aggregative cconomy where a limit cycle can be obtained. In looking for this objective -among other results- new ligth is shed on the stability of equilibrium in the keynesian employment and income theory. When the process of capital accumulation is taken into a.ccount in the dynamic adjustment process, the condition of the marginal propensity to save greatcr than the marginal propensity to invest is no longer sufficient for the monotonic convergence of the cconomic system. It is additionally required that the adjustmcnt velocity in the commodity market be sufficiently high.


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How to Cite

Martirena Mantel, . A. M. (1971). Dinámica de un modelo no lineal del ciclo económico. Económica, 17(3), p. 299–313. Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Economica/article/view/8914




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